The Centre works from the point of injury to the operating room with focused procedural and research efforts that define EVIDENCED-BASED practice and SAVES lives.
“Better Patient Outcomes”
“Your help was extremely instrumental in the patient’s positive outcome.”
- Dr. Joseph Alderete
“Experience of a Lifetime”
The best experience I have ever had. I would say “mind blowing” because that’s exactly how I felt. The
staff are very intelligent and have a magnificent way of teaching students. The placement of IOs and
intubations will never be the same after what we have been taught.
- John S. NREMTP
“Tremendous Resource”
“The Centre…is a tremendous resource for the Dept. of Defense’s Military EMS & Disaster Medicine
Fellowship Program…The power of civilian-military partnerships like this is essential if we are to
eliminate preventable death in the pre-hospital setting.”
- Colonel C. Kharod, USAF, Ret.
32304 Short Hill Bulverde, TX 78163
Call (830) 228-4504
Email: [email protected]
Site: www.hiscentre.com
Site: www.hiscentre.com